Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Today 2nd day of lesson at TMIS . Everything is as usual same as the 1st day.. the classmates in school is kinda friendly. but very worse.. nid to do project and also gt so many thing to read up for the tourism marketing.. haix.. sure cant read finish de.. Todae after school went to have lunch together with a few classmates at far east plaza.. after which went for a meeting at traffic police department.

Really feeling so confused since ytd after i see u in real life.. i rather i and you have nv met and remain as net fren or audition dance partner. the times i spent with u reali made mi feel so comfortable. haix.. realli duno wad i shld do... how i wish god could guide me and give me a hint on wad to do..

spicing things up @9:50 PM

Saturday, October 6, 2007

todae is really a busy day for me.. so many dedication to do over the net and also doing research for my new book and the art for my book. till now only received a lil contribution of story from the public.. really hope those who have a really nice real life story could sent it to me wor.. no matter is a love story or kinship or friendship story .. all of it are welcome.. really hope you all could help mi fufil my dream in having my own book.

Soon my new semseter for my school is starting.. really look forward seeing my new classmates. haha.. okie ba.. tmr den cont

spicing things up @10:34 PM

Friday, October 5, 2007


Dear friends and people whom i duno,

I am here requesting you into sending me your life stories, no matter is a love story , kinship story or whatever. if you have this stories do send it to me or it is your personal stories i would gladly received it as i am writing a book on relationship and life of teenagers.... Thanks in advance

Han Xiang

spicing things up @7:27 PM

Thursday, October 4, 2007

today a tiring dae sia.. had to go for a meeting at the children's home and had to settle some adminstrative matter for my school thing.. after which still had to do updating of my music collection. My music database is almost done for now.. left abit more to do.. haha.. so anyone who want any music can drop mi a email tks.. tink mus slp le..

spicing things up @2:09 AM

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

This month could be a new start to me... finally put down alot of my thing in mind and start everything anew. A brand new start to me. Shall live to my life to the fullest from now on and forget the past unhappy incident that had occur. haha.. In a few days time , i m going to start my Tourism Course. just hope can cope and manage the course. if not headache.. haha.. okie ba.. write until here.. tmr den cont again.

spicing things up @12:00 PM

Been a long time since the last post of someone in love with a Escort. Actually what's is true love could anyone really explain it. Love could be something that is so wide that the knowledge that we know about love is so limited even the counselors, psychologist n even the social worker. Do you guys really believe in fate getting couples together? or those who believe in christ believe god will bring the right one for you or those believe in chinese religion would believe that when you pray to the god of the marriage he will look a right ger/guy for you? All this no one ever knows too . Will it really come true? Its everyone dream for a ger to find a guy that is faithful , loving , understanding and also someone that could depend on for the rest of their life. For guy is a dream that their ger is faithful, caring, understanding and also is someone could spend the rest of the life with them. Mabbe this is just someone who does not want much from the other parties but for someone who want more then this is always thing that are materialistic , for example, wanted a handsom/pretty ger , someone that is rich and powerful , someone who have thing that could satisified them. But do you really think this is necessary? It may not be, if you really love someone you would love the good and the bad points of them.

Like the previous real life account, the guy do not mind being together with a girl which had work as an escort before and willing to stay together and married her. I really wish them their best and could last forever.

For those who are still single or even those that are attached remember to treasure the one which is right in front of you now and tell them what's is on your mind dun just keep it to yourself. You would not know what will happen the nxt day or even the nxt min or hour.

spicing things up @11:48 AM

Monday, August 20, 2007

The Love Story Between Tim & May

This is a true love story between this 2 person.. a real life happening that made mi touch and i decided to write it out and share wit everyone..

May , A phillipino working in malaysia Nite Club as a Prositute... and Tim , a locksmith wrking in singapore. Their love story begin in March 2007 after Tim visited the nite club in Johor Bahru. The meeting between both of them is reali funny.. May was actually heartbroken as she had break up in her relationship wit her bf but she still had to wrk and he was serving tim that nite.. after which Tim asked for the number of may . and they exchange their number. Everything started from a message by May to tim which saying that " I m sorry.. i felt that i didnt make u happy tat nite as i m very sad abt my breakup wit my ex bf.." After this message tim console her and started chatting wit her everyday and everynite.. Their love sparkles out into romance. A romance tat no one could ever believe it in this world or seldom there are ppl will accept this. They decided to be together as couple... a loving and promising couple indeed. May changed her character for tim and tim too change for her.. and tim started to visit her almost every week in her wrk place. After which may return to Phillpines but after a month later she came back to wrk again. The 1st day she came back to malaysia , Tim introduce her to me and i gort to know her and also her story why a young and nice girl like her will end up wrking in this job. She was actually been cheated from her country to come malaysia to wrk as a waitress in hotel but nv expected tat ended up wrking as a prositute. In the circustances she had no choice but to stay on in malaysia and wrk the job that she do not want to wrk. but she continued to wrk cos she wanted to take care of her family at phillipines, her family is the power of her means to continued to wrk without collapsing until she made tim and now tim is the Pillar of Support for her. Tim saying that he would nt mind abt her past and just hope tat she could leave this job soon. I asked him will u married her and he told me yes he will and he wont mind the past of her..

Will they love story between they 2 blossom or will jus end somewhere that they could nt even expect it.. Will they reali get married especially in Singapore it is not easy to get married wit a foreginer. So if it is you wad will u do.. Will u ever mind wad your frens , family or collegue talking behind your back and also objecting u on marrying a ex-pro.. Do give your comments..

spicing things up @3:08 PM

name:Low HanXiang
Nickname: PikaChu
a ge:21 Feb 1988 (19)
s tatus:Single
h obbies:Sleeping,Swimming
My CaT CaT,aLL oF My FrEnS,EaT Chocolate
Have MoRe FreNs,abLe To Go For ShoPpInG In HK, FiNd My PriNcEss, CaN EaT aLL The ThInG I LyK


Ruiying (My Long Time Frens)
Judy (SPI)
Yuko (SPI)
Hui Zi
Chow Lin
Li Ting
Ying Xuan
Singapore Paranormal Investigators


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